Hello, Friends! It’s been a while since I posted here. I’ve been doing pretty well — busy with work and life, which I am certain you can relate to. Time seems to move faster and faster. Is that because all my clocks are digital?? The news I want to share today has to do with YOUR digital book library. If…
Tag: Jillian Bald
All Three Free Oct. 12-15
Hello, Friends! It’s time for one last 2024 book promotion! All three e-books in The House of Baric Kindle series are FREE October 12, 13, 14, 15! Click on the link and you will go right to their amazon page to download The House of Baric e-books. Did I mention they are free today? I am happy to share this…
Waiting for the Rain
The title of this post might seem odd since I live in Oregon. You might not know that it doesn’t always rain here. We have long, dry summers, and by September Oregon is parched and ready for an end to the drought. Flowers grow beautifully in the September sunshine, and gardeners who tend them (like me) have hoses and irrigation…
Memorial Day Book Giveaway
As we honor our Veterans and start the summer season, amazon reminded me that I have some book giveaway days left on their website. Sure, why not? Free amazon e-books for everyone! If you are looking for a great historical romance series to read on your summer vacation, or you still haven’t bought all the books in The House of…
Kissing the Ring Again
Hello, Readers! We’ve made it past January, and that always brightens my spirits. The days are obviously longer, and we’ve had some faux-spring weather here in Oregon to warm us. Well, as the title of this post suggests, I have kissed the amazon ring and put “The House of Baric” series back on Kindle Unlimited. KU is a wonderful product,…
Last Promotion for 2023!
Hello, Readers! Thank you, everyone who entered my goodreads giveaway this month. I just mailed the books yesterday to the three lucky winners. Congratulations to Staci, Daniel, and Mindy! Even though you did not win a paperback, you can still get a House of Baric ebook for a great price: FREE or 75% OFF at Smashwords.com’s end of year sale!…
No Lasting Side-Effects Quitting Twitter
If you were looking for my latest post on twitter, although I don’t expect you were, I deleted my account last week. I took the twitter apps off my devices, and I didn’t get the shakes without them. It feels great to be twitterless! Not that my screen was overwhelmed with negativity, like many give as their reason for leaving…
Where Did February Go?
Where did February go? Not that I mind, really. I am not a winter-sort of human. Dark and cold days are not for me (nor is heat and humidity, so I am fine, living here in the Pacific Northwest). March is around the corner, and I am feeling motivated! Have I mentioned that I am an avid gardener with a…
A Non-Fiction Project for a Change
I inherited a lovely, old cookbook from my grandmother. She got it from her mother long ago. On the first page, my great-grandma Carlson wrote her name and the date 1901. The original copyright is 1894. It must have been a treasured resource for both of them. The pages are worn with use. I know that this little book wasn’t…
Bring It On, Sleepyhead!
Welcome, 2023! I am excited for the new year and look forward to getting my three “works in progress” made into books, planting a bigger garden, and managing how these simple wants of mine get shared. On this first day of 2023, my little corner of Oregon seems suspended in time. No rain, no snow, no wind; the sky is…